Panatomic Music Co.
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Zum Atomic Café gehörendes Label mit den Schwerpunkten Independent Pop und Retro-Spielarten (2001-2008)
- Betreiber: Christian Heine & Roland Schunk aka "Rod Skunk" zusammen bekannt als S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
- Vertrieb: Groove Attack
- Studio: Telstar Studio
- French Cuts 1 - beat, psyche, soul & garage from the swingin' sixties in France - CD and double vinyl
- French Cuts 2 - more beat, psyche, soul & garage from the swingin' sixties in France - CD and double vinyl
- Atömström - shiny poprock-pearls of today's Sweden boom - CD, vinyl and limited edition DVD
- Beatschuppen - beat, psyche, soul & garage from the swingin' sixties - CD and double vinyl
- the smart club. - an exciting overview of contemporary international indiepop - CD and double vinyl
- French Cuts 3 - even more beat, psyche, soul & garage from the swingin' sixties in France - CD and double vinyl
- Atömström 2 - more shiny poprock-pearls of today's Sweden boom - CD
- Atomix - 16 crowd-moving Indie-Remixes - CD